Summer Semester 2025 - Credit Courses

Kalispell Campus

May 27, 2025 - July 31, 2025

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

Link to Textbook Information - FVCC Bookstore
FVCC accepts applications on a rolling basis. We recommend applications be submitted a week before the beginning of each semester; however, we will continue to accept applications for a semester if students are interested in our late starting courses.
To get started, please visit
For questions, please contact the Admissions and Registration office at (406) 756-3846 or (406) 756-3848.

This information was last updated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 10:00:04 AM

Links to:     Full Semester Schedule    ***    Summer Session A Schedule    ***    Summer Session B Schedule
 Allied Health: Medical AssistingCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crTTh10:00AM-12:40PMBC 1445K Leaser
Add'l Fee: $100.00
AHMA_298_01Medical Assisting Externship
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students may only register for this course after being accepted to the Medical Assistant program. Additional hours will be required outside of classroom time for clinical rotations.
5crT10:00AM-10:50AMBC 11811H Kimmel
 Allied Health Medical Laboratory TechnologyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
AHMT_235_90Clinical Microbiology
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online.
4crThF9:00AM-1:00PMLH Logan Health12D Pacovsky
AHMT_235_90DClinical Microbiology
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions remotely as well as participate online. Students will complete three hours a week as arranged with the clinical facility.



REMOT Remote
12A Eney

D Pacovsky
AHMT_295y_01Clinical III: Med Lab Clinical
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
5crMTW7:30AM-3:30PMArranged12D Pacovsky
Add'l Fee: $275.00
AHMT_295y_01DClinical III: Med Lab Clinical
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
5crMTW7:30AM-3:30PMArranged12D Pacovsky
Add'l Fee: $275.00
 Allied Health: Physical TherapyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
AHPT_225_01Semnr in Physcl Thrpist Assist
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Class meets only on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5/27-5/29, and on Monday through Friday 7/21-7/25.
2crMTWThF8:30AM-4:30PMArranged12J Heil

J Robertson

Add'l Fee: $350.00
AHPT_295_01Clinical: Experience III
Meets: 6/2/2025-7/18/2025
Kalispell Campus
6crArrArrangedArranged12J Robertson
 Allied Health: Radiologic TechnologyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
AHXR_295_01Radiographic Clinical: III
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students may only register for this course after being accepted to the Radiologic Technology program through a competitive application process.
6crArrArrangedArranged7S D'Hooge
Add'l Fee: $150.00
 Art: Visual Arts
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Photography         Art History         Visual Arts         Jewelry         Film         Graphic Design
ARTZ_105F_01Visual Language-Drawing
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crM9:00AM-4:50PMAT 10713S Guthrie
Add'l Fee: $20.00
ARTZ_221F_01Painting I
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crTTh1:30PM-5:30PMAT 10710J Li
Add'l Fee: $20.00
ARTZ_232u_01Ceramics Studio: Tools & Tech
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crM9:00AM-4:50PMAT 11914C Flowers
Add'l Fee: $75.00
ARTZ_232v_01Ceramics Studio: Wheel Throw
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crT9:00AM-4:50PMAT 1192L Phan
Add'l Fee: $75.00
 Biology: EcologyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BIOE_290_01Undergraduate Research
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note:This is for the aquatic biodiversity project. Requires instructor's signature.
1crArrArrangedArranged5K Kissane
 Biology: OrganismalCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BIOO_115N_01Practical Botany
Meets: 5/27/2025-6/10/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Class meets on Tuesday & Wednesday May 27 & 28, and June 3 & 4, and Tuesday, 6/10.
3crTW8:30AM-5:50PMRH 13112M McCarthy
Add'l Fee: $20.00
 Computer Science/ProgrammingCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CSCI_290_01Undergraduate Research
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This is for Forest Characterization. Requires instructor's signature.
1crArrArrangedArranged5T Price
 Culinary ArtsCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CULA_113_01Advanced Catering
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crArrArrangedArranged10A Blanton

M Hudak
CULA_210_01Nutritional Cooking
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/3/2025
Kalispell Campus
2crTTh8:00AM-11:30AMAT 15910M Hudak
Add'l Fee: $150.00
 Draft Design
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Industrial Technology         Draft Design         Manufacturing Technology         Machining and Manufacturing Technology
DDSN_114_01Introduction to CAD
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crMW3:00PM-6:15PMTI 11220B Engelke
Add'l Fee: $15.00
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
3crTTh3:00PM-6:15PMTI 11220B Engelke
Add'l Fee: $40.00
 Emergency Care ProviderCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
ECP_130_01Emergency Medical Technician
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.
6crMTW5:00PM-8:50PMBC 10719K Krebs
Add'l Fee: $185.00
ECP_251_01NREMT Exam Prep Lab
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
2crArrArrangedArranged15K Krebs
Add'l Fee: $230.00
ECP_251_02DNREMT Exam Prep Lab
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
2crArrArrangedREMOT Remote15K Krebs
Add'l Fee: $230.00
ECP_295_01Field Experience: Clinical III
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.
8crArrArrangedArranged15C Williams
Add'l Fee: $300.00
ECP_295_02DField Experience: Clinical III
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.
8crArrArrangedREMOT Remote15C Williams

K Krebs

Add'l Fee: $300.00
 Graphic Design
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Photography         Art History         Visual Arts         Jewelry         Film         Graphic Design
GDSN_274_01Portfolio Presentation
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
1crArrArrangedAT 11511D Harling
 Heavy Equipment OperationCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
HEO_103_01Professional Truck Driver
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This course will include 2-3 days class time and 2 hours/day, 4 days/week driving time. Driving time to be approximately 50 hours. If you have not been in attendance by the second day of class, you will automatically be dropped from this course as of that date. This withdrawal is an exception to FVCC's regular withdrawal and refund policy. For information, please contact the advisor at 756-4862.
5crArrArrangedQHUT QHUT0
C Moore

M Twichel

M Mulcahy

Add'l Fee: $2100.00
HEO_103_02Professional Truck Driver
Meets: 6/30/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This course will include 2-3 days class time and 2 hours/day, 4 days/week driving time. Driving time to be approximately 50 hours. If you have not been in attendance by the second day of class, you will automatically be dropped from this course as of that date. This withdrawal is an exception to FVCC's regular withdrawal and refund policy. For information, please contact the advisor at 756-4862.
5crArrArrangedTI 1300
C Moore

M Twichel

M Mulcahy

Add'l Fee: $2100.00
HEO_105_01Intro to Heavy Equip Ops
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
8crTTh8:00AM-4:30PMQHUT QHUT3T Creighton

C Moore

Add'l Fee: $1350.00
HEO_110_01Heavy Equipment Operator II
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus



1C Moore
Add'l Fee: $1450.00
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Quizzes and Tests will be administered outside of class in RH 150.
3crTWTh10:30AM-11:45AMRH 14820G Jore
Add'l Fee: $12.50
M_090_01Introductory Algebra
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150). Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150). Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.


RH 150

RH 147
20M Schwager
Add'l Fee: $13.00
M_090_01DIntroductory Algebra
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course lectures will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times. Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150) or with the STEM virtual tutoring. Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150) or with an approved proctor. Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.


RH 150

REMOT Remote
20M Schwager
Add'l Fee: $13.00
M_094_01Quantitative Reasoning
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150). Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150). Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.


RH 150

RH 148
18J Yorba
Add'l Fee: $19.00
M_094_01DQuantitative Reasoning
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course lectures will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times. Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150) or with the STEM virtual tutoring. Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150) or with an approved proctor. Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.


RH 150

REMOT Remote
18J Yorba
Add'l Fee: $19.00
M_095_01Intermediate Algebra
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150). Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150). Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.



RH 147

M Schwager

Add'l Fee: $13.00
M_095_01DIntermediate Algebra
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course lectures will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times. Students are required to spend an additional 75 minutes per week in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150) or with the STEM virtual tutoring. Tests will be administered outside of class in the FMC (RH 150) or with an approved proctor. Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 4.



REMOT Remote
19M Schwager
Add'l Fee: $13.00
M_121M_01DCollege Algebra
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course lectures will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times. Tests will be administered outside of class in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150).
3crTWTh9:00AM-10:15AMREMOT Remote23E Rady
M_122M_01DCollege Trigonometry
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course lectures will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times. Tests will be administered outside of class in the Foundational Math Center (RH 150).
4crTWTh10:30AM-12:20PMREMOT Remote23E Rady
 Machining and Manufacturing Technology
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Industrial Technology         Draft Design         Manufacturing Technology         Machining and Manufacturing Technology
MCH_134_01Introduction to Mills
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
4crMTW9:00AM-12:05PMTI 11712D Sturgis
Add'l Fee: $140.00
MUSI_102_01Performance Study
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
1crArrArrangedArranged50N Sanford
MUSI_102_02Performance Study
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
2crArrArrangedArranged50N Sanford
MUSI_162_01Chamber Ens: FVCC
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
1crT12:30PM-3:00PMWCC 13920M Ramey
MUSI_195_01Applied Music I
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
1crArrArrangedArranged28N Sanford
MUSI_195_02Applied Music I
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
2crArrArrangedArranged28N Sanford
MUSI_295_01Applied Music II
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
1crArrArrangedArranged28N Sanford
MUSI_295_02Applied Music II
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Instructor's consent required. Please contact Nicole Sanford at 756-4813.
2crArrArrangedArranged28N Sanford
NRSG_106_90Nursing Assistant Course
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Course prepares student as an entry level nursing assistant. Proof of completion of Required immunizations and successful completion of a background check from an approved vendor along with signature of nursing office staff are Required to register for this course. Informational packets are available in the nursing office. Learning Resource Center and registration office. Students should be prepared to pay 1/2 the tuition and fees at the time of registration. This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online.



BC 104
10M Thompson
Add'l Fee: $165.00
NRSG_130_01Fundamentals of Nursing
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students must be accepted into the Nursing program through a competitive application process before registering for this course.
3crMW8:30AM-10:30AMBC 10516L Lommatsch
NRSG_131_01Fundamentals of Nursing Lab
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students must be accepted into the Nursing program through a competitive application process before registering for this course. Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.
3crT9:00AM-4:30PMBC 10416L Lommatsch
Add'l Fee: $500.00
NRSG_135_01Pharmacology for PN
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students must be accepted into the Nursing program through a competitive application process before registering for this course.
3crMW11:00AM-1:00PMBC 10516A Siemens
NRSG_136_01Pharmacology for PN Lab
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/3/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students must be accepted into the Nursing program through a competitive application process before registering for this course.
1crTh9:00AM-2:00PMBC 10416A Siemens
NRSG_153_01Gerontology and Comm Nsg Cl
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Students must be accepted into the Nursing program through a competitive application process before registering for this course.
2crArrArrangedArranged16C Genovese
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Photography         Art History         Visual Arts         Jewelry         Film         Graphic Design
PHOT_154F_01Exploring Digital Photography
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This course will include field trips which require some hiking.
3crF9:00AM-3:50PMAT 12213C Flowers
Add'l Fee: $75.00
PHOT_254_01Inter Digital Photography
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: This course will include field trips which require some hiking.
3crF9:00AM-3:50PMAT 12213C Flowers
Add'l Fee: $60.00
WLDG_100_01Intro to Welding Fundamentals
Meets: 6/2/2025-6/13/2025
Kalispell Campus


TI 116A

TI 115
10J Arnold
Add'l Fee: $80.00
WLDG_100_02Intro to Welding Fundamentals
Meets: 7/7/2025-7/18/2025
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course


TI 115

TI 116A
10J Arnold
Add'l Fee: $80.00

Summer Semester 2025 - Credit Courses
May 27, 2025 - July 31, 2025

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

While an honest effort has been made to
provide accurate information on these pages,
Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
for incorrect or missing data.

This information was last updated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 10:00:04 AM