Summer Semester 2025 - Credit Courses

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
ECP_295_02DField Experience: Clinical III
Meets: 5/27/2025-7/31/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for the digital course materials through your student account unless you opt out by June 10, 2025.
8crArrArrangedREMOT Remote15C Williams

K Krebs

Add'l Fee: $300.00

Field Experience: Clinical III

Prerequisites: program director consent.This course provides the opportunity to apply, in the field, the didactic knowledge and skills developed in the classroom and lab. This course serves as the final field experience in assisting the student to become an employable EMS provider. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective evaluation skills addressed include patient assessment, history gathering, treatment prioritizing, diagnostic impression, protocol knowledge, radio communication, written documentation, airway management, fluid/drug management, cardiac management, trauma and medical emergencies management, attitude, professionalism, assertiveness, and team leader qualities.

While an honest effort has been made to
provide accurate information on these pages,
Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
for incorrect or missing data.

This information was last updated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 2:20:03 PM