Spring Semester 2022 - Credit Courses

Late Starting Courses

January 18, 2022 - May 12, 2022

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

Link to Textbook Information - FVCC Bookstore
FVCC accepts applications on a rolling basis. We recommend applications be submitted a week before the beginning of each semester; however, we will continue to accept applications for a semester if students are interested in our late starting courses.
To get started, please visit www.fvcc.edu/apply.
For questions, please contact the Admissions and Registration office at (406) 756-3846 or (406) 756-3848.

This information was last updated on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 3:40:04 PM

Links to:     Complete Schedule    ***    First Session Schedule    ***    Second Session Schedule
 Agricultural SciencesCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
AGSC_202y_01Pract Farm Prod/Equip
Meets: 3/14/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course.
4crMW9:00AM-2:00PMAG 1003H Estrada

D Regan

Add'l Fee: $25.00
AGSC_298y_90Internship: Campus Farm
Meets: 3/14/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course. This is a blended course. Face to face and work online. Internet access required.
3crArrArrangedAG 1005H Estrada
Add'l Fee: $30.00
AGSC_298z_90Internship: Agric Enterprise
Meets: 3/14/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course. This is a blended course. Face to face and work online. Internet access required.
3crArrArrangedAG 1007H Estrada
 Allied Health: Physical TherapyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
AHPT_220_01Clinical Experience II
Meets: 4/18/2022-5/27/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course.
4crMTWThFArrangedBC 1140J Robertson
 Art: Visual Arts
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Photography         Art History         Visual Arts         Jewelry         Film         Graphic Design
ARTZ_105F_02Visual Language-Drawing
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight-week course.
3crTTh9:00AM-12:50PMAT 1075C Flowers
Add'l Fee: $20.00
ARTZ_130_02Introduction to Ceramics
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is an late starting eight week course.
1crM6:00PM-9:30PMAT 119-2
T Case
Add'l Fee: $60.00
 Business: GeneralCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BGEN_204_81Business Fundamentals
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight-week course.
3crArrArrangedOnline16C Hitchcock
 Biology: HumanCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BIOH_211NL_01Human Anat Phys II
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Requires Internet Access. This is an eight-week course.
4crMWF9:00AM-12:00PMBC 11713L Elwell
Add'l Fee: $50.00
 Biology: OrganismalCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BIOO_115N_01Practical Botany
Meets: 4/22/2022-5/1/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Meets: Friday 04/22 & 4/29, and Sat & Sun 04/23 & 04/24 and 04/30 and 05/1/22. Late Starting Class.


RH 131

RH 131
15E Horowitz

M McCarthy

E Horowitz

M McCarthy

Add'l Fee: $20.00
 Business: ManagementCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BMGT_215_80Human Resource Management
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
3crArrArrangedOnline3C Hitchcock
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
3crArrArrangedOnline17S Nolan
 Business: MarketingCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
BMKT_131_80Intro to Social Media Marketing
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
3crArrArrangedOnline11B Rudolph
BMKT_132_80Writing for Web Marketing
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
3crArrArrangedOnline18D Skyland
 Computer ApplicationsCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CAPP_118_80Short Courses: MS Access
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Online Course
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
1crArrArrangedOnline15L Solomon
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Communication         Speech         Journalism         Theatre
COMX_111C_03Intro to Public Speaking
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
3crTTh9:30AM-12:15PMAT 20914K Clarke
COMX_290_01Undergrad Rsrch: Comm Audit
Meets: 4/1/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
3crArrArrangedArranged0K Clarke
 Emergency Care ProviderCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
ECP_102_01Wilderness First Aid
Meets: 3/4/2022-3/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course.


BC 142

BC 142
0L Tidwell

W Tidwell

L Tidwell

W Tidwell

Add'l Fee: $68.00
ECP_204_90Medical Emergencies I
Meets: 2/4/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a blended course. Face to face and work online. Internet access required. This is a late starting course. This class is for Miles Community College students.
4S Lewin
ECP_205_01Medical Emergencies I Lab
Meets: 2/4/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Students will also attend ACLS certification for two 8-hour days. This is a late starting course. This class is for Miles Community College students.
4S Lewin
Add'l Fee: $115.00
ECP_236_01Medical II/EMS Ops Lab
Meets: 2/1/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Students must be accepted into the Paramedicine Program through an application process. Students need Program Director's signature prior to registration. ECP 236 will meet the following dates only-February 21 and 22 from 8 am-5 pm and Saturday 02/02, 03/02, 04/06 and 05/04 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. This course requires two 8 hour class days for PALS certification and four 4-hour Saturdays for EMS Operations Labs Schedule is arranged by instructor.
1crArrArrangedArranged0J LaPierre
Add'l Fee: $115.00
 Electrical TechnologyCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
Meets: 2/22/2022-5/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting course.
2crT5:15PM-9:00PMOT 1115C Widera
Add'l Fee: $35.00
 Heavy Equipment OperationCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
HEO_100_61Commercial Truck Driver
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Lincoln County Campus/Libby
Late Starting Course
NOTE: Class may extend past last date to accommodate the required hours of driving and exam schedule. This class includes three full days class time and 2.5 hours/day, 4 days/week driving time. Driving time to be approximately 40 hours. Any Questions, please contact Butch at 293-2721.
4crMTWThFArrangedArranged0J Kingston
Add'l Fee: $1800.00
HEO_100_62Commercial Truck Driver
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Lincoln County Campus/Libby
Late Starting Course
NOTE: Class may extend past last date to accommodate the required hours of driving and exam schedule. This class includes three full days class time and 2.5 hours/day, 4 days/week driving time. Driving time to be approximately 40 hours. Any Questions, please contact Butch at 293-2721.
4crMTWThFArrangedArranged0J Kingston
Add'l Fee: $1800.00
HEO_103_02Professional Truck Driver
Meets: 4/4/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Class may extend past last date to accommodate the required hours of driving: Questions, contact the OT Advisor at 756-4862.This is a late starting course.
5crMTWThArrangedQHUT QHUT1
S Arrabito

M Twichel

Add'l Fee: $2000.00
 History: AmericanCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
HSTA_102B_44American History II
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Bigfork High School Students Only.
17C Wilondek
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This course is an eight week course starting on March 10th.This is a blended course. Face to face and work online. Internet access required.
3crTTh2:00PM-3:15PMAT 2084H Bissell Kauffman
M_171M_44Calculus I
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For BigforkHigh School Students Only.
15J Feller
NUTR_122_01Whole Food Cooking
Meets: 3/7/2022-5/2/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
1crM4:00PM-5:45PMRH 1692M Katz
Add'l Fee: $75.00
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Psychology         Substance Abuse         Chemical Addiction Studies
PSYX_100A_02Introduction to Psychology
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
4crMW3:00PM-6:45PMAT 20619T Leingang
PSYX_260A_90Fund of Social Psychology
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course. This is a blended course. Face to face and work online. Internet access required.
3crTTh11:00AM-12:15PMLRC 123C17M Preston
 Senior InstituteCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
SR_80.2_01Europe in the 20th Century
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 13942W Richards

M Mullins

Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_80.2_01DEurope in the 20th Century
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid. This is a Zoom course.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMREMOT Remote42W Richards

M Mullins

Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_81_01Geology of Flathead/Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMRH 1300A Ho
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_82.1_01Birds of NW MT/Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 20313D Olson
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_83.1_01Watercolors for Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 1112K Leigh
Add'l Fee: $11.38
SR_83_01Oil Painting for Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 1074J li
Add'l Fee: $11.38
SR_86.5_01Tech Savvy Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 1222A Ward
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_87_01Creat Writ Seniors - Tell Your Stories
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 20216K Dunnehoff
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_88_01Bone Health for Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMBC 10713J Heil
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_89.10_01How to Listen to Great Music
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMECC 12817M Ramey
Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_89.11_01Topics in Natural Resources
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.


RH 141

RH 158
14J Fraley

C Relyea

R Trembath

A Chrisman

T Eichner

J Fraley

C Relyea

R Trembath

A Chrisman

T Eichner

Add'l Fee: $6.38
SR_89.3_01Yellowstone National Park
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 20718S Randolph
Add'l Fee: $6.38
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 1195L Phan
Add'l Fee: $11.38
SR_89.6_01Collage Art for Seniors
Meets: 2/11/2022-3/18/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Credit classes offered to senior citizens, age 65 and up Fridays, February 11 - March 18 1 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Institute registration starts at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 01, 2022. This course NOT eligible for Financial Aid.
0.5crF1:00PM-2:50PMAT 1087J Kanewischer
Add'l Fee: $11.38
SRVY_120_01Srvy Natural Resources
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.


RH 119

RH 158
12T Eichner
Add'l Fee: $20.00
SRVY_247_01Survey-grade GPS Cntrl Anlys
Meets: 3/9/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight-week course. This course will be delivered remotely during the scheduled days and times for lecture. The lab will meet in-person on Fridays. Internet access is required for this course.


RH 166

REMOT Remote
5T Stark
Add'l Fee: $20.00
SRVY_262_01Pub Land Srvy Syst
Meets: 3/8/2022-5/12/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is an late starting eight week course.


RH 166

RH 166
5D Dorsett
Add'l Fee: $20.00
SRVY_290_44Undergrad Rsrch: Proj in GIS
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Bigfork High School Students Only.
8H Bodenhamer
STAT_216M_44Introduction to Statistics
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Bigfork High School Students Only.
2J Feller
(Click on a category below to go to the schedule for)
Communication         Speech         Journalism         Theatre
THTR_106_01Theatre Prod I:
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
1crArrArrangedArranged7D Camillucci
THTR_191_01Musical Theatre Workshop
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course.
1crArrArrangedAT 2498R Spear
Add'l Fee: $50.00
THTR_205_01Theatre Workshop II
Meets: 3/10/2022-5/6/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: This is a late starting eight week course..
2crArrArrangedArranged6R Haptonstall
WLDG_111_40.3Welding Theory I Practical
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Bigfork High School Students Only.
12J Meyer
WLDG_185_40.1Welding Qualification Tst Prep
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: Bigfork High School Students Only.
14J Meyer
WRIT_101W_43College Writing I
Meets: 1/31/2022-6/10/2022
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Bigfork High School Students Only.
9C Seeton

Spring Semester 2022 - Credit Courses
January 18, 2022 - May 12, 2022

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

While an honest effort has been made to
provide accurate information on these pages,
Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
for incorrect or missing data.

This information was last updated on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 3:40:04 PM