Spring Semester 2025 - Credit Courses

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is subject to change.

 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CAS_295_01Clinical Practicum
Meets: 1/21/2025-5/15/2025
Kalispell Campus
1crArrArrangedArranged1C Phillips
Add'l Fee: $15.00

Clinical Practicum

Prerequisite(s): CAS 242, SW 100A, or instructor's consent. The clinical practicum provides the student with the opportunity take academic knowledge gained through course work and apply the knowledge in a clinical setting, where the student is provided an environment to discuss and apply learning in various situations. Clinical placements allow the student to develop, practice, and apply learned academic competencies in real life settings.

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This information was last updated on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 7:00:01 PM