Fall Semester 2025 - Credit Courses

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is subject to change.

 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CSCI_127_02Joy and Beauty of Data
Meets: 8/25/2025-12/12/2025
Kalispell Campus
4crTTh5:30PM-7:20PMBSS 13824J Goudy

Joy and Beauty of Data

Prerequisite(s): appropriate math placement test score of M94 or better, a grade of "C" or better in M 65~, or instructor consent.This course provides a gentle introduction to the exciting world of big data and data science. Students expand their ability to solve problems with Python by learning to deploy lists, files, dictionaries and object-oriented programming. Data science libraries are introduced that enable data to be manipulated and displayed.

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Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
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This information was last updated on Friday, March 28, 2025 at 7:00:04 PM