Fall Semester 2024 - Credit Courses

Cancelled Courses - All Locations

August 26, 2024 - December 13, 2024

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

Link to Textbook Information - FVCC Bookstore
FVCC accepts applications on a rolling basis. We recommend applications be submitted a week before the beginning of each semester; however, we will continue to accept applications for a semester if students are interested in our late starting courses.
To get started, please visit www.fvcc.edu/apply.
For questions, please contact the Admissions and Registration office at (406) 756-3846 or (406) 756-3848.

This information was last updated on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 at 9:40:03 AM

ELCT_250_01Programmable Logic Controllers
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crMW1:00PM-3:40PMOT 111CancelledB Brittenham
Add'l Fee: $75.00
FORS_262_01Stock Packing Skills
Meets: 11/15/2024-11/17/2024
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course


RH 158

CancelledA Stehn

R Durham

A Stehn

R Durham

Add'l Fee: $25.00
GPHY_111NL_01Intro to Physical Geography
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for these materials through your student account unless you opt out by Sept. 16.


RH 130

RH 130
CancelledA Ho
Add'l Fee: $5.00
HSTR_101B_43.1Western Civilization I
Meets: 9/12/2024-1/10/2025
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Polson High School students only.
CancelledW Danley
MCH_132_02Introduction to Engine Lathes
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Add'l Fee: $140.00
MCH_134_01Introduction to Mills
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Add'l Fee: $140.00
MCH_199_01Capstone: Machinist I
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
2crMW7:30PM-8:45PMOT 128CancelledD Sturgis
Add'l Fee: $130.00
MCH_220_90Geometric Dim. and Tol.
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online.
3crMW11:00AM-11:50AMOT 112CancelledL Haugen
MUSI_160_01Beginning Guitar
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
1crTh11:00AM-11:50AMWCC 142CancelledN Sanford

A Gonsorchik

Add'l Fee: $10.00
PHOT_160_80Photoshop and Lightroom
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Online Course
3crArrArrangedOnlineCancelled- Staff
Add'l Fee: $60.00
EELE_261_01Intro to Logic Circuits
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus


RH 141

RH 141
CancelledE Rady
Add'l Fee: $50.00
WRIT_100_Z93Composing Mindfully
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online. Students placed into this section must have also been placed and enrolled in WRIT 104-Z93.
3crT11:00AM-12:15PMAT 209CancelledH Bissell Kauffman
WRIT_104W_Y93Workplace Communications
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online.
3crT9:30AM-10:45AMAT 209CancelledH Bissell Kauffman
WRIT_104W_Z93Workplace Communications
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: This hybrid course requires students to attend class sessions on campus as well as participate online. Students placed into this section must have also been placed and enrolled in WRIT 100-Z93.
3crT9:30AM-10:45AMAT 209CancelledH Bissell Kauffman
MCH_129_01Machine QC and Precision Msmnt
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Add'l Fee: $110.00
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
1crMW2:00PM-2:50PMWCC 111CancelledM Baker
Add'l Fee: $10.00
WLDG_111_44Welding Theory I Practical
Meets: 8/26/2024-1/17/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: For Plains High School students only.
CancelledK Mitchell
MUSI_191_01Special Topics: Accompanying
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: Meeting time will be determined based on registered students' schedules.
1crArrArrangedArrangedCancelledE Park
ACTG_202_01Principles of Mang Acct
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore's Inclusive Access (IA) program. You will be charged for the IA materials through your student account unless you opt out by Sept. 16.
4crTTh12:00PM-1:40PMBSS 135CancelledV Laudati
ACTG_241_80Intermediate Financial Acct I
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Online Course
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for these materials through your student account unless you opt out by Sept. 16.
4crArrArrangedOnlineCancelledV Laudati
PHOT_113F_01The Magic of the Darkroom I
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crTTh9:30AM-11:20AMAT 122CancelledJ Watstein
Add'l Fee: $75.00
HVC_220_01Gas-Fired Furnaces and Boilers
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crTh5:30PM-9:00PMOT 116CancelledT McDade
Add'l Fee: $175.00
PHOT_116_01Inter Black - White Photo
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crTTh9:30AM-11:20AMAT 122CancelledJ Watstein
Add'l Fee: $75.00
MCH_122_01Intro to CAM
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crMW8:00AM-10:40AMOT 112CancelledL Haugen
Add'l Fee: $30.00
MCH_125_01Intro to CNC Lathe Ops
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus


OT 128

OT 116A
CancelledD Sturgis
Add'l Fee: $110.00
MCH_127_01Intro to CNC Mill Ops
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
3crMW1:00PM-3:15PMOT 128CancelledL Haugen
Add'l Fee: $110.00
EDU_101_43.1Teaching and Learning
Meets: 9/12/2024-1/10/2025
Kalispell Campus
Late Starting Course
Note: For Polson High School students only.
CancelledS Ellis
M_114_42.6Extended Technical Mathematics
Meets: 8/28/2024-1/17/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note: For Flathead High School students only.
CancelledR Rudd
Meets: 8/22/2024-1/16/2025
Kalispell Campus
Note:For Hamilton High School students only
CancelledC Brace

Fall Semester 2024 - Credit Courses
Cancelled Courses
August 26, 2024 - December 13, 2024

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

While an honest effort has been made to
provide accurate information on these pages,
Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
for incorrect or missing data.

This information was last updated on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 at 9:40:03 AM