Fall Semester 2024 - Credit Courses

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is subject to change.

 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
2crT5:30PM-8:00PMOT 206-1J Farrier
Add'l Fee: $35.00


This course presents students with the basic construction, operation, and maintenance principles of single phase and three phase transformers. Transformer construction, including core types, coil wiring ratios, tank dynamics, and cooling features involving details of magnetism, induction, and flux density will be presented. This course introduces transformer types: auto tap changer, isolation, and step up/step down, reactor, buck-boost, and current transformers; transformer operating principles featuring transformer electromagnetic coupling; transformer maintenance testing of power factor, impedance, power loss (watts loss), oil, and turns ratio. The destructive effects of harmonic distortion, improper cooling, overloading, and improper transformer connecting are highlighted along with a basic introduction to power generation and short circuit analysis. Practical information of NEMA® and ANSI® standards on insulation materials and safety will be featured.

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Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
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This information was last updated on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5:00:04 PM