Fall Semester 2024 - Credit Courses

Please Note: The information on this page
is subject to change.

 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
CHMY_221NL_01Organic Chem I (equv CHMY 321)
Meets: 8/26/2024-12/13/2024
Kalispell Campus
Note: Digital course materials will be automatically loaded into your Eagle Online class through the FVCC Bookstore. You will be charged for these materials through your student account unless you opt out by Sept. 16.


RH 140

RH 100
17J Alexander Haag
Add'l Fee: $55.00

Organic Chem I (equv CHMY 321)

Prerequisite: a grade of "C" or better in CHMY 143.First semester of a one-year sequence with emphasis on fundamental concepts of structure, nomenclature, properties and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds and an introduction to biochemical molecules. Laboratory included.

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provide accurate information on these pages,
Flathead Valley Community College assumes no liability
for incorrect or missing data.

This information was last updated on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5:00:02 PM