Fall Semester 2017 - Credit Courses

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 Course TitleCredDaysTimeRoomSeats
MCH_226_01Advanced CAD/CAM
Meets: 8/28/2017-12/15/2017
Kalispell Campus
4crMW11:30AM-1:30PMOT 11211D Leatzow
Add'l Fee: $35.00

Advanced CAD/CAM

Prerequisite: MCH 122 or instructor's consent.This is an advanced course in the study of computer aided manufacturing through the implementation of computer software for the design and creation of machine codes used in operating computer numerical control systems. Topics include 3D component and surface creation, development of advanced tool paths for machining advanced 3D components and surfaces, interface with advanced manufacturing systems with 4 axis or more, as well as Swiss CNC and Mill/Turn systems, simulation of tool paths, and instruction on live tooling synchronization. This course leads to an advanced understanding in design and programming for higher level machine tools.

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This information was last updated on Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 12:00:03 PM